Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome to World Civilization 104

Hello students and welcome to the most important class you have ever registered for. I hope you find the experience rewarding and revealing. This blog is specifically designed to facilitate an ongoing discussion on history and its relevance to you. Each week a post will be made and you are to respond to that post by Friday 12 noon of the same week. After that time you will be able to comment but that comment will not be used for grading purposes. You MUST comment since this exercise is compulsory. Your comments should be no more than 150 words. Well let's get started and I know you will enjoy the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Fairlyn: I think that the discovery of Lucy the hominid was quite a fascinating one; this is certainly History in the making, “How thrilling! What a dynamic and unbelievable discovery.” I find the discovery of Lucy remarkable at its best, very juicy indeed. Yet the Christian in me doubts with a passion in this evolutionary theory of Lucy. I believe in the Creation Story of Genesis 1 that God created man in his own image and likeness. To be created in God’s image meant that man was never a chimpanzee and that he always walked upright and possessed human intelligence. I believe that Lucy was a dwarfed human with defects if she was 3 ½ feet and her brain was very small, a chimpanzee or a humanoid type of animal. I continue to be wowed and fascinated by History, but I know how to separate my fascination from my faith.
