Monday, September 6, 2010



  1. After watching this video, my belief that I did not derive from an ape did not waver in any way. It is obvious that Lucy's brain would be small;man at that time was still in the stage of grunting so thinking was far from their minds.
    As for the hominid having features like that of the ape, there is a great possibility that Lucy could have had a disease of some sort and her body was deformed at birth;or as it was said in the video they were quite primative so maybe she was the result of her mother mating with a chimpanzee.
    There are a number of factors that can contradict this 'evolution theory', some of the reasons may sound unrealistic but when you really think of it,the evolution theory sounds just as crazy.I believe that more people would rather to agree with my take on Lucy rather than to accept that an ancient ape gave birth to us.

  2. all interesting to note , that people mistake human evolution to say we are from monkeys and apes, when scientist themselves only used the word primate, almost like calling trigonometry, geometry. I find that while my class accepts the fact, God can create an infinite universe construct exotic particles, even create galaxies that change structure of many millennia , evolution is outside his omniscience for the top apex predator and his "favourite" creation.

  3. I think that the discovery of ‘Lucy’ as being evidence of the evolution of man from ape as interesting as it seems it is a bit depressing because I cannot reconcile myself with the thought that we are the descendants of apes. Even if it is to say that man has evolved in their learning and thinking capabilities and how big their brains are I do not think we are the end product of Lucy or any other primate. I wonder if it is that the discoverers of ‘Lucy’ even entertained the thought that the find of this skeleton may have been another lost species like the dinosaur.

  4. Three (3) million years ago in Hadar Ethiopia a hominid "Lucy" evolved to become an ancient biped as stated in the video above. Her skeletal remains provided proof of human evolution through our nature to adappt and adopt to our environment, this can even be seen in modern man through the phenomenon of conjoined twins; who are sometimes joined by vital orans and manage to survive. Therfore to me I can see little difference between the hominid Lucy and modern homo sapiens as we too evolve to suit out environent.

  5. The presentation has brought to reality the timelessness of man’s existence. Dating back 3 million years Lucy has proven that there is much the world that man has yet to discover and understand.
    Many questions arise if the discovery of Lucy is held to be true. These include:
    1. What were the levels of intelligence of this human form?
    2. What were the conditions under which they lived?
    3. Are there any other skeletal remains in existence?
    4. Where is human evolution going to take man-kind in the future?
    Further, with every reported discovery one must question the issue of scientific correctness. Where the methods used to date Lucy done correctly, is Lucy really a descendant from apes, does she really have deformities or just another discovery in the world of dwarfism. The discovery has presented much room for debate and future research. I therefore look forward to future discoveries.

  6. This video was certainly informative and also entertaining. Even though have asked myself on numerous occasions if we (the human race) did actually evolve from apes because of the way we tend to behave in certain situations, after looking at this video I still cannot agree with the Evolution Theory. A comparison between the structure of Lucy’s bones and that of an ape’s and similarities were found, and this is the evidence which was used to say that Lucy would have had to evolve from an ape. People all over the world are born with diseases which affect their bone structure daily. If tomorrow a skeleton is found showing that a “human” had bird like features would the story then become that humans evolved from birds?

  7. Having seeing this clip of Lucy, the Australopithecus afrerens, an ape like creature who walk on two legs, (homo erectus), makes me wonder, why man will ever think that they came from an ape. So they are telling me what my parents been preaching to me since I was small, that god make us in his own image and likes, is wrong. Man so what to prove that there is no god and they are look for ways to find the origination of man but i think they are pushing it too far by say we can from an ape. Here is another question they should answer, who made this ape like creature?

  8. Quite an interesting presentation!! It even sounds logical to an extent, but however logical the evolution theory may sound it doesn’t make it an absolute fact. The study of DNA doesn’t support the theory of evolution, rather it proves that a creator meticulously designed and created a highly complexed system....known as the human body.

  9. Each time I encounter a piece of information such as "Lucy", i take it with a pinch of salt and dare not compare it to my personal belief until i completely understand it.

    what i find most interesting is the comparisons of Lucy to the skeleton of modern man and that of the modern chimpanzee. i strongly believe that these documentaries are biased and there is alot to take into consideration such as who conducted the research and why, who sponsored the research and why, who is the target audience for this research and why.

    my main question though is was Lucy's skeleton compared to apes/ chimpanzees of her time, and why?

  10. If it WALKS like a chimpanzee, TALKS like a chimpanzee and LOOKS like a chimpanzee then it must BE a chimpanzee, right? But what if it walks like a Human?? Hmm.. This is very interesting. My thinking though, from a totally unbiased stand-point, is that maybe this was a totally different species all together. And maybe, just like the dinosaurs, they went extinct at some time in earth’s history. But whatever, it was (chimpanzee, ancient Homo sapiens or something else) the facts show that it existed. I think I would like to know more about “Lucy” and see just how relevant her existence was/is to modern man.

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  12. The Video clip was very interesting.I always enjoy learning about the history of the word.I am often intrigued by the different explanations and theories these scientist comes up with at times to prove their theory about evolution.No matter how realistic they try to make it look I do not believe in the evolution theory.I must admit for knowledge sake it is interesting and even entertaining. At times it even gives you something to ponder about but my faith and my belief in my God is strong and solid and I know it was my one and only true God who created the world and everything else in it. I believe both people and animals adapt and react to suite the situation, environment and climate that they are placed in so may be that is what happened with Lucy she just adapted and conform to suite her present environment.

  13. The video is very fascinating. I am not persuaded or desuaded one way or the other but it makes for very interesting information. And that is what i view it as added information, another aspect to the fascinating process of discovering and education. The discovery of Lucy proves that the an ape like creature existed and walked on two legs. Do I believe we are descendants of apes is an entirely different story. I believe there are still too many unanswered questions to form a conclusion on the role the discovery of Lucy play in the existence of human beings and our origins.

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  15. After looking at the clipping on the discovery of Lucy, I found it to be somewhat interesting that scientists found the skeleton of Lucy approximately three million years old. After doing their research based on certain factors which I think is not substantial enough to say that man evolve from apes. I strongly believe that it's a divine power that played a major role in the evolution of man. Lucy’s discovery which is presented to us by scientists in the most logical and realistic manner is merely their method of excluding God in the creation of man

  16. Viewing a video like this would instigate speculations and arguments concerning the whole concept of the evolution theory. As seen in the video from the research Lucy was homo erectus and had somewhat similar physical characteristics to human beings, but it never predicted that human beings evolved from apes. I believe that there were other creatures and unique organisms on this earth millions of years ago long before man populated the earth and Lucy could have been one of the distinct creature that evolved. However, though to scientific theories which gave the notion that man evolved from apes is in fact contradicting to God’s creation of man. Questions would arrive as to how valid these scientific research was on the humans evolved from apes.

  17. The theory of evolution has long been fought over. The video clipping in no way proves to me that man originated from apes. It seems to me that scientists are attempting to find every way possible outside of God to explain the creation of man. While there may be no doubt that these bones have been found in Africa the narrator himself said that it could be a physical adaptation to the hard life of the African plains. The narrator states thatLucy walked on two legs however her hips did not match the chipmanzees but her brain was as small as a chimp.Is the first time this comparison has happened between man and animals? You have to believe in evolution just as you have to believe in God and creation. I choose to believe in creation.

  18. after reviewing and researching this piece of information.I am 100% convinced that beyond a shadow of a doubt that, scientist has no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation. as Charles Darwin rightly said and I quote."Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted my self to a fantasy". Hats of to all the Darwin's out there.In the bible 2 Thessalonians said "And for this cause GOD will send them strong delusions, that they may believe a lie". The age of Intelligence to me started at the time of creation. What is so pathetic is that persons who garb themselves with the cloak of Science are trying desperately hard to prove evolution of humans. Which by the way not one of them can prove.I am however still waiting to hear them explain the making up of the atoms.

  19. I think that the video on "Lucy" seems to add evidence to the human evolution theory. However, I have much reluctance when accepting information from just one source. If "Lucy" is accepted by the most of the scientific community, then I may look into it seriously. Having watched numerous documentaries in my childhood, I know how easy it is to "create" a fantasy setting for viewers to gobble up e.g. false tribes doing false customs etc. This video should be viewed with a critical mind. Questions pertaining to facts should always be kept in mind e.g. Was research substantiated by other groups of objective scientists or was it just a group of pro evolutionists searching for "proof" of the human evolution theory?

  20. After viewing the clipping on the theory of how humans evolved,it has left no doubt in my mind that humans did not evolve from ape. There are to many unanswered questions that it has left me with more questions than answers. The only evidence to support this is the discovery of a hominid called "Lucy" by scientist in Africa.Because the shape of her pelvic was similar to humans and she had hips wide enough to support the weight of her body which gave her the ability to walk upright is not enough proof to suggest that humans evolved from ape. If all the other parts of her body were ape like, why was the assumption made based on this fact alone.Also how can walking on two legs be the first thing to develop, and not intelligence I cannot fathom,I am yet to be convinced.

  21. The video of Lucy was most interesting; it made me rethink my whole belief system. This discovery can test one’s faith in God. Everything in life has a purpose and fits together as a puzzle. Lucy leaves no room for God and his creation, hence the reason for her existence. If I grew up with no believe system knowing neither of God or how I came into existence, then this would be an excellent explanation for my origin. It is then my view that Lucy the Australopithecines, the earliest humanlike primates was used to try to dismiss God and the creation story. It is easier for humans to see and then believe than to have faith in an unseen being that is beyond human intellect. In my opinion I think Lucy was a deformed monkey with special abilities or an ability to walk upright. All in all Lucy is not the turning point in my origin as a human.

  22. The discovery of Lucy helped scientists determine that bipedal locomotion preceded the development of a larger more ‘humanlike’ brain in hominids over some three million years ago. While I find this discovery and the evolution theory very intriguing, it remains for me just a theory. It seems to me from this clip that they based their finding in comparison with the human evolution theory. Their research was set to support the evolution theory which makes their findings biased and unreliable. This in no way sways my belief that human being we created by God rather than evolving from apes.

  23. Lucy? Did she really purport a turning point for man to know his origin? The clip provokes one to think about the evolution of man but I believe in the creation account according to the book of Genesis. However, exploring history, specifically world civilizations lead me to be in a state of great faith with less reason. Lucy, as the scientist proclaim in 1974, was approximately 3 million years old, while I cannot discredit their work I believe (or hope) that there may be some other justification for Lucy and what she was, although the evolution of man has been marked by bi-pedalism or walking on two feet. I would really like to know more about Lucy and her impact on man’s evolution.

  24. After viewing this video, my views on evolution remain unchanged. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION! I AM NOT A DESCENDANT OF APES! However, I have always found history fascinating, in its attempt to create a rational whole from fragments of what was.While Lucy's skeleton is an interesting find and I applaud the efforts of Scientists, my belief in Creationism makes the theory of Evolution just another work of fiction.

  25. kenneth said
    having view the video on Agriculture and the change that took place as it relates to history,i understood that the women of the North American Indian Tribes were the ones responsible for the planting and harvesting of their main crop(corn).the beauty of history shows that women played many important roles just as their male counterparts in the many different aspects of human existence and in being reflex in the different governments around the world. Choosing this class has made me understand a number of issues which i was in doubt for many years.
