Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Multiple Choice Exam Bank

1. Which of the following statements most aptly describes Paleolithic

a. The hunt was the only way to obtain food.
b. There was constant fighting among families and clans.
c. The individual was more important than the group.
d. Cooperation was necessary for survival.

2. The Agricultural revolution occurred first during the____________

a. Neolithic
b. Bronze Age
c. Paleolithic
d. Mesozoic

3. Among the major changes that occur as a result of the adoption of
agriculture by any group is____________

a. the abandonment of traditional village life.
b. a decrease in trading.
c. an increase in population.
d. a reduction in animal raising.

4. Which of the following was not a characteristic of most early

a. A dependable source of water for agriculture.
b. A religion based on female fertility rites.
c. Attempts at total self-sufficiency in consumption.
d. Water-based communication and transport.

5. Which of these was of decisive importance to Neolithic agriculture?

a. The development of chemical fertilizers.
b. The mastery of irrigation techniques.
c. The development of insecticides.
d. The creation of a law code.

6. The increase in the number of humans during the Neolithic age was
primarily caused by___________

a. the disappearance of epidemic disease.
b. a surplus of food.
c. decreased intergroup violence.
d. a greater respect for the aged.

7. Which of these adjectives would you not associate with Egypt?

a. Stable
b. Predictable
c. Poor
d. Isolated

8. The geographical status of Egypt destined the country to be_________

a. vulnerable to repeated invasions.
b. a cross-roads of travelers through the ages.
c. almost self-contained.
d. divided into many natural regions.

9. The key element of Egypt’s government was the__________

a. pharaoh’s efficient police.
b. code of royal law.
c. popular respect for the king.
d. Powerful military establishment.

10. Slavery was widespread in Egyptian society only___________

a. before the founding of the New Kingdom.
b. before the founding of the Old Kingdom.
c. after the founding of the New Kingdom.
d. after the founding of the Old Kingdom.

11. The Pharaoh Akhenaton promoted___________

a. a return to traditional beliefs.
b. The monotheistic worship of the god Aton.
c. The conquest of the Middle East by Egypt.
d. Major agricultural reforms.

12. Which of the following was least likely to have occurred in Egypt
from 300o to about 1000 B.C.E?

a. A social rebellion against the government
b. A drastic change in the prestige of various Egyptian deities
c. An invasion from outside Egypt
d. An attempt to extend rule over non-Egyptians

13. A chief difference between Egypt and Mesopotamia was their relative degree of___________

a. dependence on irrigation farming
b. importance of city life and commerce
c. degree of democratic government
d. artistic creativity

14. The tribes of the Hebrews are thought to have originated in_______

a. Israel
b. Persia
c. Mesopotamia
d. Arabia

15. The Covenant of the Hebrews with their god Yahweh___________

a. was given to Moses during the Exodus from Egypt.
b. had nothing to do with individual conduct, only group survival.
c. was a contract that was allowed to lapse.
d. guaranteed each believing Hebrew immortality.

16. The people who conquered Samaria in the eighth century B.C.E were________

a. Babylonians
b. Assyrians
c. Egyptians
d. Hittites

17. The first king of the Hebrew kingdom founded after the Exodus was_______

a. David
b. Saul
c. Solomon
d. Isaiah

18. Belief in the messiah among Jews of the first century B.C.E was
focused on____

a. hope for a statesman who would lead the Jews to a new homeland
b. expectation of a military leader against the Romans
c. finding a political leader who would assert Jewish supremacy
d. a hermit who rejected society, such as John the Baptist

19. The critical factor in the Jews’ vision of God by the first century B.C.E was_____

a. the link between the deity and humans’ ethical conduct on earth
b. the belief that God was all-powerful in human affairs
c. the belief that God was supreme over all other deities
d. the hope for an eternal life given by God to those he favoured.

20. The Jews belief that they were the Chosen People was solidified and more narrowly defined__________

a. after the Assyrian conquest
b. after the Babylonian Captivity
c. with the Roman Lordship
d. with the conquest of Canaan

21. The first civilization in India______________

a. was the result of Chinese colonization
b. extended over only a small area
c. is not yet understood in terms of origins and development
d. was made up of small villages

21. The excavation of Mohenjo-Daro indicates that India’s earliest

a. had a strong central government
b. was governed by merchants
c. had little if any commercial contacts with other civilized lands
d. had no dependence on irrigation agriculture

22. The decline of the Indus valley civilization occurred because

a. a shift in trading routes
b. reasons that are not known
c. invasion and conquest by barbarians
d. sudden changes in climate

23. Which of the following is not a variety of Indian religion?

a. Jainism
b. Vedic
c. Shudra
d. Buddhism

24. The evolution of Indian castes came about because of____________

a. economic necessities
b. the application of Vedic beliefs to Indian realities
c. the rationalization of a social system built on privilege
d. climate and geography

25. In Indian society after the Aryan conquest, the highest social group was that of the___________

a. priests
b. warriors
c. tillers of the soil
d. educated

26. The Laws of Manu show a society in which____________

a. there were no essential differences between male and female
b. there was a strong sense of social justice
c. children were not valued
d. women were considered a source of temptation

27. Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning__________

a. the soul
b. release from earthly cycles
c. the uppermost caste in Hindu society
d. the tally of good and bad acts in a previous life

28. China’s geography________

a. isolated it from other civilizations
b. was semi-tropical
c. is much like that of Mesopotamia
d. made it a natural marketplace and exchange point

29. The Shang dynasty was established in Northern China at roughly the same time as the ____________

a. rise of the Assyrians
b. Aryan conquest of northern India
c. Beginnings of Sumerian civilization
d. First dynasty in Egypt

30. The craftsmen under the Shang are best known for their__________

a. fine ceramics
b. wood carving
c. bronzes
d. stonework

31. After seizing power from the Shang, the Zhou rulers adopted___________

a. a theory of government justifying their action
b. a militarized dictatorship
c. a theocracy where the priests had true powers
d. a democracy

32. A significant long-term advantage of the Chinese style of writing is its_________

a. easiness to learn
b. independence of regional dialects
c. effective use of an alphabet
d. great complexity

33. Early Chinese religious thought is noteworthy for ______________

a. its insistence on the existence of only two gods
b. its emphasis on devotion to the spirits of the ancestors
c. its superstition about heaven and hell
d. its clear theology

34. In many aspects of philosophy, Chinese thought generally aimed _________

a. at attaining union with the immortal gods
b. at inspiring loyalty and fear in the common people
c. at teaching myths and magical formulas
d. at attaining harmony and avoiding disorder on earth

35. Daoist political views emphasized that____________

a. people get the government they deserve
b. people are naturally evil and that government must restrain them
c. people should b enslaved to ensure peace
d. people should be left to their own devices as much as possible

36. Which of these would most likely be able to read and write?

a. A Jewish farmer
b. A Mesopotamian craftsman
c. An Indian shopkeeper
d. An Egyptian villager

37. Slavery in ancient societies was most often the result of which
combination of possibilities___________

a. Commission of crime and personal violence
b. Prisoner of war and dept
c. Blasphemy and defiance of the gods
d. Debt and rebellion

38. The most common example of different standards of punishment for the
same offense in society was the handling of__________

a. treason against the throne.
b. adultery in marriage.
c. theft of others’ property.
d. blasphemy against the gods.

39. Women’s participation in ordinary trade and business was normally______

a. possible only in exceptional cases, where no males were available
b. a routine affair with full equality as males
c. common in the lower-status occupations, usually under some male
d. common in the lower-status occupations, usually as independent agents

4o. In most Ancient societies that we know much about, the wife__________

a. moved in with her husband’s family as a junior member of the household.
b. moved in with her husband, but lived apart from the rest of the family.
c. set up independent housekeeping with her husband apart from both families.
d. determined where the new couple would live.

41. As a general rule, the education of the two sexes in ancient

a. was similar in the subjects taught and the methods employed.
b. was sharply divided by gender, with both boys and girls being
systematically instructed.
c. was rarely undertaken by any formalized system of instruction.
d. was very limited for most girls and was the exception for boys of the
lower classes.

42. Farming or tending animals was the normal way of making a

a. for everyone in every ancient society.
b. for most people in most societies.
c. for those people who had access to irrigation.
d. for those who were not someone’s slaves.

43. The usual fashion for educating a female child was________________

a. to send her off to a tutor.
b. to teach her necessary skills at home.
c. to have her compete with other females for a place in a school.
d. to charge her older brother with her instruction.

44. The polis was a______________

a. warrior-king
b. community of citizens
c. commercial league of merchants
d. temple complex

45. Which of the following was not a form of classical Greek

a. Monarchy
b. Hierarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Democracy

46. In early Greece, a tyranny was ruled by_____________

a. the professional military
b. a small group
c. a person who had illegally seized power
d. a person who was evil and vicious

47. The founder of the Athenian democracy was___________

a. Solon
b. Cleisthenes
c. Pisistratus
d. Plato

48. The critical factor in transforming Sparta from an ordinary polis to a
special one was_______________

a. the war of the neighboring Messenians
b. the invasions by the Persians
c. the war against Athens
d. its commercial rivalry with Athens

49. The Peloponnesian War is best described as___________

a. a struggle between Athens and the rest of Greece
b. the start of an era of Spartan over lordship in Greece
c. the discrediting of the Athenian democracy as leader of Greece
d. the establishment of Persian influence in Greece

50. Athenian women were thought to be_______________

a. suitable only for marriage and then seclusion within the home
b. the collective sexual property of all free Greek males
c. suitable for any public political role
d. the more talented of the two sexes

51. Sophocles and Euripides are two of the greatest Greek____________

a. dramatists
b. poets
c. sculptors
d. painters

52. The Cave Metaphor in Plato’s writing refers to___________

a. the need to have a place of refuge from their enemies
b. the ability of humans to form a community
c. the difference between reality and falsely understood images
d. the importance of a stable homeplace for an advanced society

53. Slavery in classical Greece was____________

a. common and harsh
b. nonexistent
c. rare
d. common and usually mild

53. The Athenian women who enjoyed the most free lifestyles were the_________

a. aristocrats
b. mothers
c. unmarried girls
d. entertainer-prostitutes

54. Greek religion was_________

a. dominated by a powerful priesthood
b. the same from one end of the country to the other
c. greatly varied in its forms
d. dominated by fear of the afterlife

55. The pre-Socratic philosophers sought most of all to explain

a. human capacity to reason
b. motion of the stars
c. composition and laws of the natural world
d. reasons for the existence of good and evil

56. Which adjective is least appropriate for the classical Greeks?

a. Intimidated
b. Rational
c. Proud
d. Curious

57. Hellenistic means a____________

a. blend of Greek and eastern ideas and forms
b. blend of Greek and Roman ideas and forms
c. purely Greek style later transferred to Rome
d. mixed style limited in extent to Rome

58. Compared to the classical Greek economy, the Hellenistic economy

a. more on slaves
b. less on slaves
c. more on free labour
d. more on the inventiveness of resident alien craftsmen

59. Which of the following does not describe the Egypt of the Ptolemies?

a. A backwater in the sciences
b. A very wealthy government
c. Ruled by a supremely powerful pharaoh
d. A highly centralized political and economic authority

60. The scientific interests of the Hellenistic period_________

a. were limited to math
b. led to an industrial revolution
c. were limited to agriculture
d. had little connection with technology

61. In public affairs, the Epicureans insisted_____________

a. on active participation by their followers
b. that all politics and governments were equally corrupt
c. that democracy was superior to all other types of government
d. on indifference to government

62. The Greek immigrants to Hellenistic Asia were usually _______

a. resented and resisted by local authorities
b. given favored official and financial positions
c. poverty-stricken workers and craftsmen
d. eager to mix with the native populations

63. In the Hellenistic period, the sociopolitical unit replacing the
classical polis was the ___________

a. village
b. city
c. province
d. family

64. Which of these adjectives is the least appropriate description of
Hellenistic society and customs?
a. Alienated
b. Stratified
c. Urban
d. Communal

65. A ziggurat is___________

a. A war tactic
b. A writing system
c. A Temple
d. A Sumerian chariot

66. The Sumerian flood story centers around_____________

a. Gilgamesh
b. Ashurbanipal
c. Urukagina
d. Sargon

67. Which is NOT a Sumerian city?

a. Ur
b. Kish
c. Ebla
d. Lagash

68. The Akkadian who established the first Mesopotamian Empire was________

a. Lugalzagessi
b. Gilgamesh
c. Sargon
d. Urubanda

69. The wedged shape Sumerian writing system is called________

a. hieroglyphics
b. phonic alphabet
c. cuneiform
d. emotic

70. The Assyrians were____________

a. The first Mesopotamian farmers
b. Sumerian slaves
c. A war like people from the northern regions of the
d. The first to use iron

71. The Sumerian considered the first reformer was__________

a. Lugalzagessi
b. Urukagina
c. Ashurbanipal
d. Gilgamesh

72. The Assyrian capital was__________

a. Susa
b. Nineveh
c. Ur
d. Lagash

73. The Hittites were famous for________

a. Literature
b. Irrigation
c. Iron working techniques
d. The chariot

74. Which of the following was NOT an invention of the people of the
Mesopotamian Region?

a. philosophy
b. Mathematics
c. Hieroglyphic writing
d. all of the above

75. Osiris was______

a. The king who united upper and lower Egypt
b. The Sun God
c. both a god of fertility and the embodiment of the dead and
resurrected king
d. The builder of the great pyramid

76. The only woman who was ever considered pharaoh of Egypt was_________

a. Hatshepsut
b. Ti
c. Cleopatra
d. Nefertiti

77. The King who united upper and lower Egypt was__________

a. Tutankhamen
b. Ramses
c. Menes
d. Thutmose III

78. The great Egyptian pyramid builder who built the Step pyramid was______

a. Cheops
b. Senefru
c. Imhotep
d. Ikhnaton

79. The Shepherd kings of Egypt were__________

a. Hittites
b. Sumerian Nomads
c. Hyksos
d. The first rulers of Egypt

80. The period of Ikhnaton is also known as the____________

a. The golden age
b. The first dynastic period
c. The Amarna period
d. The age of wars

81. The founder of the 18th dynasty who together with his brother, drove
out the Hyksos was_______

a. Ramses
b. Ahmose
c. Seti
d. Ptolemy

82. The "heretic king” of Egypt was________

a. Khafre
b. Ikhnaton
c. Amenhotep I
d. Amenhotep III

83. The largest pyramid at Giza is the pyramid of_____________

a. Seti
b. Khafre
c. Khufu
d. Amehotep

84. The last ruler of Egypt was__________

a. Amenhotep IV
b. Cleopatra
c. Ramses the Great
d. Menes

85. The first and longer phase of Aegean civilization, which ended about 1450 B.C is called___________

a. Athenian.
b. Spartan
c. Minoan
d. Mycenaean.

86. In 1952, Michael Ventris, startled the scholarly world by deciphering a type of Cretan script known as___________

a. Linear B
b. Minoan Script
c. Linear A
d. Cretan

87. Henrich Schliemann (1822-1890), a German romantic dreamer and amateur archaeologist and scoundrel discovered________

a. Crete
b. Athens
c. Troy
d. Sparta

88. About 1200 B.C. a new wave of Indo-Europeans, the Dorian Greeks, invade Greece armed with________

a. Greek Fire
b. Chariots
c. Iron weapons
d. 15 foot pikes

89. The basic Greek political unit was called the________

a. City State
b. Olympia
c. The Polis
d. The Demographic

90. The Persian Wars were________

a. An attempt by the Mycenaeans to conquer Persia
b. Fought between Persia and the Dorian Greeks
c. Two unsuccessful attempts by Persia to conquer Greece
d. The successful Persian capture of Anatolia from the Greeks

91. The city state which gave rise to democracy was_______

a. Sparta
b. Athens
c. Corinth
d. Ithaca

92. The most powerful Greek military city state was________

a. Athens
b. Sparta
c. Corinth
d. Thessaly

93. The king of the Macedonians who conquered Athens was________

a. Alexander
b. Pericles
c. Phillip
d. Pericles

94. The son and successor of the Macedonian king who conquered Athens was___

a. Hercules
b. Alexander
c. Clienteles
d. Horus

95. The traditional date for the founding of Rome is__________
a. 650 BC
b. 700 BC
c. 753 BC
d. 356 BC.

96. The second king of Rome was________

a. Numa Pompilius
b. Caesar
c. Pompey
d. Tiberius Gracchi

97. The early Romans were conquered and ruled by the________

a. Samnite Greeks
b. Carthaginians
c. Etruscans
d. Latins

98. The Roman credited with leading a revolt against House of Tarquin

a. Romulus
b. Cato
c. Brutus
d. Augustus Caesar

99. The Gallic sack of Rome occurred in________

a. 450 BC
b. 340 BC
c. 390 BC
d. 210 BC

100. The Carthaginian general Hannibal was defeated at Zama by___________

a. Flaminius
b. Caesar
c. Cornelius Scipio
d. Pompey

101. The arrangement between Caesar, Pompey and Crassus is called_________

a. The arrangement
b. The first triumvirate
c. The Consulship
d. The Imperial Guard

102. The first Emperor of Rome was___________

a. Julius Caesar
b. Octavian Caesar
c. Sulla
d. Marius

103. The almost 200 year period of basic peace in the empire is

a. The Golden Age
b. The Imperial Age
c. The Pax Romana
d. The Christian Era

104. The traditional date for the fall of Rome is___________

a. 550 CE
b. 476 CE
c. 333 CE
d. 666 CE
105. A The first Germanic tribe to become Christian is____________
a. Vandals
b. Franks
c. Goths
d. Alamanni

106. In 486 the Salian chieftain _________ defeated the last Roman
governor in Gaul
a. Clovis
b. Alaric
c. Rollo
d. Charlemagne

107. Rome fell to Alaric in __________
a. 476 AD
b. 333 AD
c. 410 AD
d. 510 AD

108. In the year 507 the Visigoths in Gaul were defeated by_______
a. The Ostrogoths
b. Huns
c. Franks
d. Romans
109. The Vandals reached their greatest power under_______
a. Clovis
b. Pepin The Short
c. Gaiseric
d. Louis The Bald
110. In 534 the Vandals were defeated by_________
a. Charles
b. Honorius
c. the Byzantine general Belsarius
d. Clovis
111. The Salian king Clovis I established the?
a. Holy Roman Empire
b. The Merovingian Dynasty
c. Feudalism
d. The Carolingian Dynasty
112. Who was crowned emperor in 800 AD_________
a. Pepin
b. Charles the Great
c. Clovis
d. Alaric
113. The Moors were stopped by Pepin at _________
a. Lyon
b. Nice
c. Tours
d. Paris
114. That social system in which ownership of land is the basis of
authority is known in history as__________
a. manoralism
b. feudalism
c. serfdom
d. peasantry
115. The new birth of resurrection known as the "Renaissance" is usually
considered to have begun in?

a. France
b. The Netherlands
c. Italy
d. England

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exam Preparation

This post is intended to assist you in your revision for final exams

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010